Hotel Reception Lighting Installation


We offer services to the hospitality sector that include Installation and Management of Systems, which we provide to Hotels across the region. There are strict regulations in place to ensure the safety of the public, standards to which all of our contractors have been trained to.

One Management Service we provide is Periodic Inspections. This keeps us up to date on the status of emergency lighting at the hotel, a safety feature that needs to be regularly checked. Our engineers are enlisted to confirm that the lighting is electrically safe and this covers numerous areas including:

1. HVAC controls; a system that regulates heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
2. Emergency Lighting Maintenance; to maintain high standards.
3. Car Park Lighting Installation; a must-have safety feature.
4. General Electrical Maintenance; to cover all aspects of a hotel’s electrical system.

All our light bulbs are energy efficient, with LED lighting and florescent lamps included. As the prices for LED lamps plummet, the opportunity for savings increases. Backup batteries are another key feature of our management procedure, to keep your business running in the event of a power cut and make sure both you and your customers remain safe.

Our Periodic Inspections maintain a constant vigilance against faulty or damaged electricals. We offer emergency lighting tests, load tests, earth loop impedance and general safety inspections, all at a very high standard that meets regulation guidelines. We assess the electrical wiring of your building and carry out tests to find faults and fix them. A report is developed and recommendations are made on the areas that it is crucial for you to address. For the safety of your staff and customers we encourage these tests to be undertaken regularly, to quickly address concerns and keep your building at a high standard of safety.